Friday, June 15, 2012

Some like it Hot

Piracy is using someone else's work without giving them credit or asking for their permission. We can see piracy in movies, music,  and television. Every time a movie is played, a song is played on the radio or you see some one's episode on TV that person should be receiving money. However recording artists and actors do not always receive the credit they deserve. Copyright owners try the best that they can to try and regulate piracy and to make sure it does not happen as often as it does. In the last decade, the illegal downloading of music and movies has skyrocketed. Even though we believe that actors and artists are making plenty of money they are not the only people losing money when we illegally download something. Movie theatres such as AMC and big companies such as iTunes are losing money. Technology has made it simple to illegally download movies and music but is it really honest? Being caught for illegally downloading music or movies can be up to $250,000 in fines or 5 years in prison. The penalty is just too high where we could easily spend a dollar on a song. If we can find some kind of balance in the law where we could lower costs people would be more honest. We must be honest and follow the law of paying for what we download.

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